Can I Pet Your Dog? A Cat Person Gets her Fix with (OPD) Other People's Dogs

As a lifelong cat person mourning the loss of our beloved Matty, I've found unexpected joy in the dogs of our neighborhood, especially during our twice-daily walks. The friendships we've formed with these dogs and their humans have opened my heart to the unconditional love of OPD (Other People’s Dogs), proving that even cat people can't resist a wet puppy nose.

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The Gift

Every year I make a calendar full of family photos each month. Pictures from last February document a dinner out with friends, donuts sampling all over town, an overnight sleepover with a favorite family at the Field Museum. Living life without a second thought. When I flipped the month over to March, the photos show a sharp shift in content: No friends, no sleepovers, nothing but us at home.

As I turned the calendar, I thought about how I might commemorate this past year. I don't want to forget it, because it's an important time in our lives, but obviously, it's not an experience I ever hope to repeat.

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Weeding the Garden

That’s the thing about hate.

It starts off innocently enough, the tiniest sapling. You think you can ignore it, so you do. It doesn’t seem so dangerous, really. Maybe it’s not your problem. Someone else will take care of it. Then suddenly, there’s no light. And there’s no sign of what grew there before. The roots now run deep. It will take some sweat to claim back our garden.

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A Menu for Change

I noticed that even though my cookbook shelf was full, it was dominated by white authors and western-European cuisine. As someone who embraces new food, new experiences, I was embarrassed by the glaring omissions of the culinary foundations of American cooking on the shelf. Time for more change. 

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